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Books by Edward St Aubyn

At Last
A tyrannical father and an ineffectual, alcoholic mother have left Patrick Melrose coming to terms with drink, drugs and inheritance problems. Indeed it is sometimes grim, but also very intelligent and funny, and this final novel is a satisfying conclusion to the Melrose series. The writing is brilliant - always authentic and compelling. Particularly poignant and witty are the scenes with Patrick's own wife and two precocious young boys. Read at least 'Mother's Milk' before this.
(Victoria Grey-Edwards - bwl 63 Winter 2011)

St Aubyn's re-working of King Lear for the Hogarth Press. So, Lear as...errr... Rupert Murdoch (!) a megalomaniac media mogul whose elder daughters have him locked up while taking over his empire. The story follows Lear pretty faithfully but I couldn't help reading it as black humour, the Goneril and Regan characters unbelievably villainous, the Fool as failed comedian, Edmund as pill-popping duplicitous Dr Bob.... Intentionally humorous or not, I confess I romped through it with - misguided? - glee.
(Annabel Bedini - bwl 87 Winter 2018)

Lost for Words
Although nothing like his more literary Patrick Melrose novels - and criticised by some as bitter - this witty satire on the world of literary awards is great fun and good light holiday reading. The characters (clichés of both literary nominees and award panel members) and naughty pastiches of literary genres are irresistible. Some sections are a bit indulgent and overdone but I think he can be forgiven for enjoying himself and trying something new.
(Victoria Grey-Edwards - bwl 73 Summer 2014)